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The Importance of Continuity

A importância da continuidade

Carlos Augusto Moreira Júnior

DOI: 10.17545/e-oftalmo.cbo/2015.34

We have reached the third issue of e-Oftalmo.CBO Journal. In this issue, we offer our colleagues information from a meta-analysis of contact lens adaptation processes inducing keratoconus and methods on screening refractive errors. In addition, we present a clinical case of maculopathy resembling atrophic AMD in a younger patient, a video of a phaco-vitrectomy procedure, and an editorial written by a specialist on the best way to deliver talks and presentations. With these topics, we consider a wide variety of the interests shared by our colleagues in the quest for continual improvement. But above all, it is the continuity of e-Oftalmo.CBO Journal that is most important for ensuring the journal's continual success, for arousing the interest of readers and facilitating the establishment of the journal as an innovative scientific periodical in the various scientific literature indices.

Therefore, we invite anyone interested to contribute to the journal by sending in articles and suggestions for topics or by spreading the word among colleagues to enrich our specialty.




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